During a 3 month package with Andrea you can expect to leave with:
(i) an assessment and tracking tool that you will use to score/rate your current levels of life balance.
(ii) deep dive into one (time permitting, more than one) area of your life that rated low.
(iii) clarity on the priorities for goal setting.
(iv) identify how to make improvements.
(v) SMART goals for a selected areas.
(vi) a system that will review and assess progress along your journey.
(vii) weekly sessions using my unique B.O.U.N.C.C.E™ Forward Pillars*.
(vii) weekly accountability tasks.
(viii) an option for a fitness assessment and plans to support you on your journey of strengthening and aligning your mind and body.
(viiii) access to me during my working hours if and when required.
*Beliefs, Optimism, Uniqueness, Nourish, Consistency, Confidence, Emotional Intelligence.
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