My name is Zeze and I am a Natural Hair Influencer.
My background is in HR and Project Management but I recently took the risk and changed industries and now I work in Tech PR.
1. What do you think was the tipping point that got you to where you are?
I’m known for making drastic changes in my life. Sometimes it's what needs to be done to move forward on the right track. From going natural, to changing my career path and becoming a freelancer to support myself 'till I reached where I needed to be. Was it scary? Did I ever think at any point I had made a mistake? Did I want to go back at any point? Yes, yes and yes! The feeling of being stuck, unhappy and lost was too overwhelming - I knew I had to make a change no matter how scary it was. I also have faith that after every hardship comes ease. I’m so glad I stuck at it!
2. Where does the passion for what you do come from?
It comes from always being interested in trying new things and once I went natural I decided to share my journey after I received many questions on how I went about it. The drive comes from wanting to share any tips I have learnt along the way and give encouragement to everyone who contacts me as seeing me as someone to go to. When I went natural there were hardly any UK based naturalists especially internationally recognised East-African naturalists. I decided to be that which was missing.
3. How do you bounce back and refocus when $h*T hits the fan?
Firstly, I take a little breathing time out for myself and spend time with friends and family just living life. When I’ve re-energised, I reflect on the matter and remind myself why I started my journey and all the positive interactions I have had. I finally make a new plan on how to reach my goal and start fresh.
4. If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, who would it be and why?
I would love the opportunity to pick Oprah’s brain! She is amazing at giving frank, honest advice (something we don’t always want to hear) on how we control our destiny and we shouldn’t let others and our own fear get in the way of our dreams. To feel the fear and do it anyway!
5. How did you raise awareness for what you do and how do you stay relevant?
I think I stayed up to date with what was happening in the natural hair world. I created content which I would have liked to have seen when I first started on my natural hair journey, asked what my followers would want to see and created content they wanted as it is for them at the end of the day. I also reached out to other naturalists to collaborate.
To see more from Zeze click here.